[h: Name = "Storm Throw"] [h: PowerType = "Encounter"] [h: Action = "Standard - Ranged 5"] [h: KeyWords = "Weapon, Primal, Lightning"] [h: Desc = "You toss your spear at a distant foe, using it as a lightning rod for the raw energy discharged from your reactor. The blast also causes the spear to return to you. Because magic."] [h: AttackRoll = 1d20] [h: AttackBonus = 8] [h: SpecialBonus = "1d8"] [h: CritOn = 20] [h: CritBonus = "1d8"] [h: Defense = "Fort"] [h: DamageDiceNumber = 1] [h: DamageDiceSides = 8] [h: DamageBonus = "5"] [h: DamageType = "Thunder"] [h: FrameColor = "Gray"] [h,if (PowerType == "AtWill"),code: { [h: FrameColor = "Green"] }] [h,if (PowerType == "Encounter"),code: { [h: FrameColor = "Red"] }] [h,if (PowerType == "Daily"),code: { [h: FrameColor = "Black"] }] [h,if(AttackRoll >= CritOn),Code: { [h: DamageRoll = DamageDiceNumber * DamageDiceSides] [h: CritBonus = eval(CritBonus + "")] [h: SpecialBonus = eval(SpecialBonus + "")] [h: DamageRoll = DamageRoll + CritBonus + SpecialBonus] };{ [h: CritBonus = 0] [h: SpecialBonus = eval(SpecialBonus +"")] [h: DamageRoll = eval(DamageDiceNumber + "d" + DamageDiceSides) + SpecialBonus] }] [h: DamageBonus = eval(DamageBonus + "")]
[r: Name] • [r: Action] • [r: KeyWords]
[r: Desc]
Attack = [r: AttackRoll + AttackBonus] vs. [r: Defense]       Rolled: [r: AttackRoll]     Bonuses: [r: AttackBonus]
Damage = [r: DamageRoll + DamageBonus]   [r: DamageType]       Rolled: [r: DamageRoll]     Bonuses: [r: DamageBonus]     Special: [r: SpecialBonus]     Critical: [r: CritBonus]
Hit: You gain Resist 10 Lighting until the end of your next turn.
Effect: Your weapon returns to your hand.