Charms that I'd Like Essence Cannon Style? - Ability to focus motes to strengthen shots (Perhaps some sort of... charged shot.) - Possibly an ability to fire multiple shots at the cost of speed, but without loss of accuracy -- Improved charged shot, more like a Buster Rifle (module?) --- Improved Improved charged shot, more like a Satellite Cannon (module?) - Ability to extend the range of a shot -- And make it hit like a railgun (There's a charm like this in the book already, kinda) - Reflecting Bits? -- Support Fire bits? (module?) --- G-Bits!? (module?) - Ability to channel essence shots into a shield, maybe? -- Ability to channel essence shots into a concussive blast that deals knockback instead of damage? -- Ability to channel essence shots into some sort of energy type? -- Change shots from single shots to ranged area bursts? Beam Saber Style? - Parry Booster? -- Parry (Or cleave) Unusual Things? (Essence cannon blasts, boulders, etc) --- Parry (or cleave) Impossible things? (Five Metal Shrike's Main Cannon, gigantor's fist) - Ability to channel essence to make the blade longer -- Ability to channel essence to make the blade what the fuck -- Ability to turn own arms into beam weapons --- Ability to turn beam sword into a high powered mid-range weapon -- Ability to deliver an extremely powerful and accurate attack at the cost of Speed and Rate (Okay maybe that's more MA) Dodge/Mobility - Overland Flight? -- Flight flight? --- Vehicle mode for transporting allies? - Something that adds to dodge pool in a reasonable way? Essence shields? -- Something that adds to dodge pool in a reasonable way for a scene? Optical camo? Reactive thrusters? --- Bunshin (3/5) Other - A commit +x motes to GATTAI with something to raise stats (+Weapons, +Soak, -Mobility, -Dodge, -Speed) -- Improved Armor for combination -- Improved weapons loadout (More wide area attacks) -- Essence Force Field