Day 1 Although it is written as the first day of this journal, it has actually been two days by the time I have written this. I will try my best to recollect the events of the past few days. My earliest memory after the unsealing of the Holy Mountain was that of falling. Everything on my being had been ravaged by what I can only assume now as some sort of barrage of planar energies. What little I had left when I arrived in this world was probably thanks to the charm given to me by Haloun for besting him in combat. It seems that its abilities have faded and the stone itself doesn't give me the same warmth like it once did. Also of note was that according to witness reports, when I came down I was surrounded by a myriad of crystalline shards, many of which shortly evaporated like ice cubes in a forge shortly afterwards. One crystal, about the size of both of my fists, persisted though, and was carried in with me and my broken belongings. Oh, but I should elaborate on that. I apparently had landed in a desolate (and very cold) area of the mountains. Onto the back of a particularly large martial artist. It is a small wonder that I did not land into the cave of a hostile animal or den of thieves, I shudder at the thought of what may have happened to me if that were the case. Regardless, I had apparently stumbled upon the man's training spot. He identified himself as Lan Feng, a monk in training. My immediate reaction was to scream helplessly and do what I could to defend myself. Since my bow had shattered and my prayerbook had been torn to shreds, this primarily involved what ... primitive theory I knew about unarmed fighting. Lan was mostly unphased by any measure of this and took actions that I cannot hold against him considering the situation to calm me down. At that moment my mind is a little fuzzy because I simply had too many things going through it to accurately remember the events, but it primarily involved me eating, mending my garments, talking with Lan to discern my location in relation to familiar landmarks that I knew of, trying (and failing) to utilize a sapling to create a makeshift bow out of, politely (OOC Note: Not politely at all) asking Lan to retrieve some sort of writing utensil and parchment to write on, and then using on hand rations to cook a breakfast in gratitude for Lan putting up with my requests. Sleep was deemed unimportant at the time. Day 2 After deliberating with Lan most of the morning regarding familiar locations I had eventually come upon the realization that I was likely in a completely unknown land entirely. It seems unlikely that I was thrown off into one of the unsealed areas surrounding Greendale, as the continent I was on at least seemed to be completely free roaming. However, staying up in this mountain would not help me reaffirm this at all so I made preparations to head towards a nearby town. Thanking Lan, I was about to be on my way before he offered to accompany me, saying that his training would only take him so far without actual practice. I was more than happy to agree since without a bow or my prayerbook, well... Taking what scraps of paper I could I scribbled down a rough incantation for Cure Light Wounds should the need arise. They were not much, nor were they guaranteed to work, but I had to have something to keep me from being completely defenseless. It was about at this point that I wished I had paid more attention at the Eagrose Preparatory Academy regarding spell memorization. We had made our way briefly down the mountain before our way was blocked by several people who had claimed their homesteads were ravaged by the ongoing war, and asked that we offer what we could to help them rebuild. While I would normally be more than happy to help, forced planar travel was not kind to my pocketbook and I had to explain how I did not have any possessions of worth. Lan, similarly, basically just had his cloak and a pair of pants to his name. Dissatisfied with our answer, what I presumed was the leader of the group asked us a second time, except this time with a sword. While Lan was just fine with the two in the front, I found myself with my hands full as two more ruffians that I didn't see proceeded to rush at me from both sides. Having no real means to defend myself with I had to resort to skillful (OOC Note: Not) movement to escape the two. It was about at this moment that I noticed a strong ringing noise in the back of my head that was making it difficult to concentrate. However, as I had no real time to deliberate on this phenomena I made my way to relative safety as quickly as I could. This effort proved to be futile though, as one of the bandits engaging Lan broke off to catch me. With the way I was running, I knew that I was heading straight for his blade with no way to stop myself. With my very life about to end before my eyes, oddly, the only thing I could think about at the immediate moment was that persistent ringing in the back of my head. From then on, my memory is a bit of a blank, but Lan informed me that the crystal that he had found with me exploded into a flash of brilliant light (OOC Note: False) while the crystal formed into a greatbow of immense size. (OOC Note: True) I then proceeded to assail my attackers with motes of pure energy (OOC Note: False) with uncanny precision (OOC Note: False) as if I was possessed with some sort of otherworldy force. (OOC Note: True) after our attackers had been detained, I decided it would be best to salvage what I could from their belongings. While it was likely true that they were driven into poverty from the war, it was their own fault for trying to rob innocent travelers, so me utilizing their equipment and taking some of their pocket change was perfectly justifiable. Sadly, none of them had any proper writing utensils or parchment available, so we tied them up loosely and went on our way. I used the makeshift scrolls I had prepared previously to attempt to heal our wounds, but sadly all but two failed to work properly. Well, it was better than nothing. It was about nighttime when we had arrived at an outlying farming town. We stayed at a local inn and I managed to strike up a conversation with a stout looking fellow wielding a sword. He asked me various questions of what I thought of some political issues. Trying not to reveal the fact that I was likely... otherworldy, I merely went along with what he was saying for a time before he spilled his "secret" of being a member of a resistance force that was looking for able members to help fill its ranks. Seeing as neither of us had any particular direction to go, I figured it wouldn't hurt to at least look into. He directed us to a nearby town called Gate Pass and advised us to meet with a warrior cleric there for more information. I tried to get more information from him regarding where I could pick up proper writing utensils and paper, preferably a full book, but the man was quickly and happily out the door. I imagine he went to tell his superiors. I had difficulty sleeping that night as well, and was admittedly not on my best behavior in the morning. Day 3